It has been a while.

So yea. I have not fallen off the world, I am still here. Things have had their ups and downs. I even think a few old friends have now decided I am no longer worth their time, but I think there may have been some influence there from somewhere.

My affairs of the heart have been a bumpy road. I have met a few girls in the past, some fun and some not so fun. The recent one I had thought I got on very well with. Great personality. Thinking along similar lines and have a similar sense of humour. Looks great as well. Though, I do think that my usual stupid self has screwed something up there somewhere. Since the initial hello, there was a good full few days chatting and getting to know each other. Then we met up for a picnic and she was far better in person than what came over online. (It tends to be that way sometimes). Though, since midday, there has been nothing come over from her. She had popped online a few times but briefly and nothing my direction. I did send a few more messages and an apology to whatever it was that I may have said/implied or anything I have done. I think that this one may well be dead in the water though and it has sent me in a little dive.

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